→『 技術文檔交流 』
V2.2.0.2修改: 修改了HttpPost相對路徑的一些問題。 V2.2.0.0增加: [id(0x00010041), helpstring("Get Rev Index")] HRESULT GetRevCount( [out,retval] long * pbool); [id(0x00010042), helpstring("Get Rev Index Info")] HRESULT GetRevInfo([in] long lIndex, [in] long lType, [out,retval] BSTR* pbool); [id(0x00010043), helpstring("Set Doc Prop")] HRESULT SetValue([in] BSTR strValue, [in] BSTR strName, [out,retval] long* pbool); [id(0x00010044), helpstring("Set Doc Variable")] HRESULT SetDocVariable([in] BSTR strVarName, [in] BSTR strValue,[in] long lOpt, [out,retval] long* pbool); [id(0x00010045), helpstring("Save page To Doc")] HRESULT SetPageAs([in] BSTR strLocalFile, [in] long lPageNum, [in] long lType,[out,retval] long* pbool); ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LoadDso.js var s = "" s += "<OBJECT id=DSOFramer align='middle' style='LEFT: 0px; WIDTH: 100%; TOP: 0px; HEIGHT: 100%'" s += "classid=clsid:00460182-9E5E-11D5-B7C8-B8269041DD57 codeBase=DSOFramer.ocx#Version=2,2,0,0' >" s += "</OBJECT>" document.write(s) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 接口文檔: /* 1.新建 */ //新建Word document.all.FramerControl1.CreateNew("Word.Document"); //新建Excel document.all.FramerControl1.CreateNew("Excel.Sheet"); /* 2.打開文件 */ //打開制定的本地文件 document.all.FramerControl1.Open("C:\\TestBook.xls"); //制定用Word來打開c:\plain.txt文件 document.all.FramerControl1.Open("C:\\Plain.txt",false, "Word.Document"); //打開服務器的文件 document.all.FramerControl1.Open "https://secureserver/test/mytest.asp?id=123",true, "Excel.Sheet", "MyUserAccount", "MyPassword"); //打開服務器的文件 document.all.FramerControl1.Open("http://localhost/1.doc", true); /* 3.保存文件 */ //到本地 document.all.FramerControl1.Save("c:\\1.doc",true); //服務器 /*增加Http協議Post上傳接口,可以Post一個動態頁面(jsp,asp,php...),由動態頁面負責解析數據 bool HttpInit(); bool HttpAddPostString(BSTR strName, BSTR strValue); bool HttpAddPostCurrFile(BSTR strFileID, BSTR strFileName); BSTR HttpPost(BSTR bstr); */ //初始化Http引擎 document.all.FramerControl1.HttpInit(); //增加Post變量 document.all.FramerControl1.HttpAddPostString("RecordID","20060102200"); document.all.FramerControl1.HttpAddPostString("UserID","李局長"); //上傳打開的文件 document.all.FramerControl1.HttpAddPostCurrFile("FileData", "文檔名.doc"); //執行上傳動作 document.all.FramerControl1.HttpPost("http://xxxx.com/uploadfile.asp"); /* 4.修訂留痕 */ //進入留痕狀態 document.all.FramerControl1.SetTrackRevisions(1); //進入非留痕狀態 document.all.FramerControl1.SetTrackRevisions(0); //接受當前修訂 document.all.FramerControl1.SetTrackRevisions(4); /* 5.設置當前用戶 */ document.all.FramerControl1.SetCurrUserName("張三"); /* 6.設置當前時間(筆跡留痕會顯示("Like 2006:02:07 11:11:11") */ document.all.FramerControl1.SetCurrTime("2006:02:07 11:11:11"); /* 7.設置和創建書簽,此功能比較強大,設置書簽數據、添加書簽和添加紅頭文件就靠他了 SetFieldValue(BSTR strFieldName, BSTR strValue, BSTR strCmdOrSheetName) strFieldName:書簽名 strValue:要設置的值 strCmdOrSheetName: 命令 ::ADDMARK:: 添加BookMark ::DELMARK:: 刪除這個BookMark ::GETMARK:: 定位到這個BookMark ::FILE:: 插入的是文件 ::JPG:: 插入的是圖片 一般來說:WORD中書簽是做好的,可以通過此接口把外界數據設置進書簽中去。 */ //在當前WORD位置插入標簽,標簽名為"book1",數值為"test" document.all.FramerControl1.SetFieldValue("book1","test","::ADDMARK::"); //設置書簽"Time",數值為"2006-03-16 22:22:22" document.all.FramerControl1.SetFieldValue("Time","2006-03-16 22:22:22",""); //在書簽位置"hongtou",插入紅頭文件"" 這樣,紅頭就自動插進去了 document.all.FramerControl1.SetFieldValue("hongtou","","::FILE::"); /* 8.設置菜單顯示情況 BOOL SetMenuDisplay(long lMenuFlag) lMenuFlag為以下數值的組合 #define MNU_NEW 0x01 #define MNU_OPEN 0x02 #define MNU_CLOSE 0x04 #define MNU_SAVE 0x08 #define MNU_SAVEAS 0x16 #define MNU_PGSETUP 0x64 #define MNU_PRINT 0x256 #define MNU_PROPS 0x32 #define MNU_PRINTPV 0x126 */ //只有“新建”菜單可用 document.all.FramerControl1..SetMenuDisplay(1); //只有“打開”菜單可用 document.all.FramerControl1.SetMenuDisplay(2); //只有“打開”和“新建”菜單可用 document.all.FramerControl1.SetMenuDisplay(3); /* 9.保護文檔和解保護文檔 lProOrUn:1:保護文檔;0:解除保護 lProType: wdNoProtection = -1, wdAllowOnlyRevisions = 0, wdAllowOnlyComments = 1, wdAllowOnlyFormFields = 2 strProPWD:密碼 */ //完全保護文檔,密碼為"pwd" document.all.FramerControl1.ProtectDoc(1,1,"pwd"); //解除文檔保護 document.all.FramerControl1.ProtectDoc(0,1,"pwd"); /* 10.顯示或隱藏修訂內容 ShowRevisions(long nNewValue) nNewValue = 0 則隱藏修訂 = 1 則顯示修訂 */ //顯示修訂留痕 document.all.FramerControl1.ShowRevisions(1); //隱藏修訂留痕 document.all.FramerControl1.ShowRevisions(0); /* 11.插入合并文件, strFieldPath 文件路徑,可以是http,ftp的路徑 pPos = 0 //當前鼠標位置 1;文件開頭 2;文件末尾 pPos的第4位為1的時候,代表插入的是圖片 InSertFile(BSTR strFieldPath, long lPos) */ //文件頭部插入文件 document.all.FramerControl1.InSertFile("http://XX.com/XX.doc",1); //文件尾部插入文件 document.all.FramerControl1.InSertFile("http://XX.com/XX.doc",2); //當前光標位置插入文件 document.all.FramerControl1.InSertFile("http://XX.com/XX.doc",0); //文件頭部插入圖片 document.all.FramerControl1.InSertFile("http://XX.com/XX.jpg",9); //文件尾部插入圖片 document.all.FramerControl1.InSertFile("http://XX.com/XX.jpg",10); //當前光標位置插入圖片 document.all.FramerControl1.InSertFile("http://XX.com/XX.jpg",8); /* 0x31. 文檔另存為 HRESULT SaveAs([in] VARIANT strFileName, [in] VARIANT dwFileFormat, [out,retval] long* pbool); 參數: strFileName:文件本地路徑,如c:\\11.doc dwFileFormat: 文件格式 dwFileFormat的數值為: Excel: Type enum XlFileFormat { xlAddIn = 18, xlCSV = 6, xlCSVMac = 22, xlCSVMSDOS = 24, xlCSVWindows = 23, xlDBF2 = 7, xlDBF3 = 8, xlDBF4 = 11, xlDIF = 9, xlExcel2 = 16, xlExcel2FarEast = 27, xlExcel3 = 29, xlExcel4 = 33, xlExcel5 = 39, xlExcel7 = 39, xlExcel9795 = 43, xlExcel4Workbook = 35, xlIntlAddIn = 26, xlIntlMacro = 25, xlWorkbookNormal = -4143, xlSYLK = 2, xlTemplate = 17, xlCurrentPlatformText = -4158, xlTextMac = 19, xlTextMSDOS = 21, xlTextPrinter = 36, xlTextWindows = 20, xlWJ2WD1 = 14, xlWK1 = 5, xlWK1ALL = 31, xlWK1FMT = 30, xlWK3 = 15, xlWK4 = 38, xlWK3FM3 = 32, xlWKS = 4, xlWorks2FarEast = 28, xlWQ1 = 34, xlWJ3 = 40, xlWJ3FJ3 = 41, xlUnicodeText = 42, xlHtml = 44 }; Word: Type enum WdSaveFormat { wdFormatDocument = 0, wdFormatTemplate = 1, wdFormatText = 2, wdFormatTextLineBreaks = 3, wdFormatDOSText = 4, wdFormatDOSTextLineBreaks = 5, wdFormatRTF = 6, wdFormatUnicodeText = 7, wdFormatEncodedText = 7, wdFormatHTML = 8 }; PPT: enum PpSaveAsFileType { ppSaveAsPresentation = 1, ppSaveAsPowerPoint7 = 2, ppSaveAsPowerPoint4 = 3, ppSaveAsPowerPoint3 = 4, ppSaveAsTemplate = 5, ppSaveAsRTF = 6, ppSaveAsShow = 7, ppSaveAsAddIn = 8, ppSaveAsPowerPoint4FarEast = 10, ppSaveAsDefault = 11, ppSaveAsHTML = 12, ppSaveAsHTMLv3 = 13, ppSaveAsHTMLDual = 14, ppSaveAsMetaFile = 15, ppSaveAsGIF = 16, ppSaveAsJPG = 17, ppSaveAsPNG = 18, ppSaveAsBMP = 19 }; */ /* 0x32. 刪除本地文件 HRESULT DeleteLocalFile([in] BSTR strFilePath); 參數: strFileName:文件本地路徑,如c:\\11.doc */ /* 0x33.創建臨時文件 HRESULT GetTempFilePath([out,retval] BSTR* strValue); 返回: 臨時文件的路徑地址。使用完后,用DeleteLocalFile 刪除 */ /* 0x34.設置文檔顯示模式 HRESULT ShowView([in] long dwViewType, [out,retval] long * pbool); dwViewType的可取值為: enum WdViewType { wdNormalView = 1, wdOutlineView = 2, wdPrintView = 3, wdPrintPreview = 4, wdMasterView = 5, //這個是大綱 wdWebView = 6 }; */ //大綱模式 document.all.FramerControl1.ShowView(5); /* 0x39:下載遠程文件 HRESULT DownloadFile( [in] BSTR strRemoteFile, [in] BSTR strLocalFile, [out,retval] BSTR* strValue); 參數: strRemoteFile:遠程路徑地址,http or Ftp strLocalFile: 本地保存地址,if strLocalFile == NULL then Create Temp File and return TempFile's Path */ /* 0x40:增加Http上傳時候的,附加其他文件 HRESULT HttpAddPostFile([in] BSTR strFileID, [in] BSTR strFileName, [out,retval] long* pbool); 參數: strFileID:文件的ID,供服務器端頁面解析 strFileName: 本地文件地址 */ /* 0x41,0x42.獲取詳細的修訂信息。 GetRevCount( [out,retval] long * pbool); GetRevInfo([in] long lIndex, [in] long lType, [out,retval] BSTR* pbool); 例子如下 */ var vCount; vCount = document.all.FramerControl1.GetRevCount(); alert(vCount); var vOpt = 0; var vDate; for(var i=1; i<= vCount; i++){ vOpt = document.all.FramerControl1.GetRevInfo(i,2); if("1" == vOpt){ vOpt = "插入"; }else if("2" == vOpt){ vOpt = "刪除"; }else{ vOpt = "未知操作"; } vDate = new String(document.all.FramerControl1.GetRevInfo(i,1)); vDate = parseFloat(vDate); alert(vDate); dateObj = new Date(vDate); alert(dateObj.getYear() + "年" + dateObj.getMonth() + 1 + "月" + dateObj.getDate() +"日" + dateObj.getHours() +"時" + dateObj.getMinutes() +"分" + dateObj.getSeconds() +"秒" ); alert("用戶:"+document.all.FramerControl1.GetRevInfo(i,0) + "\r\n操作:" + vOpt + "\r\n內容:" + document.all.FramerControl1.GetRevInfo(i,3)); } /* 0x43.設置基本信息: HRESULT SetValue([in] BSTR strValue, [in] BSTR strName, [out,retval] long* pbool); 1.設置文件只讀密碼 SetValue("password","::DOCPROP:PassWord"); 2.設置文件修改密碼 SetValue("password","::DOCPROP:WritePW"); 返回值: 0 正確 -1:不支持此命令,請確定您的第二個參數沒有傳錯 -127:異常 */ //設置文件只讀密碼 document.all.FramerControl1.SetValue("password","::DOCPROP:PassWord"); //設置文件修改密碼 document.all.FramerControl1.SetValue("password","::DOCPROP:WritePW"); /* 0x44.設置文檔變量,這個很少能用到 HRESULT SetDocVariable([in] BSTR strVarName, [in] BSTR strValue,[in] long lOpt, [out,retval] long* pbool); strVarName: 變量名 strVlaue:變量值 lOpt: 操作類型, 按位 第一位為1: 表示update域關聯的 第二位為1: 表示如果沒有這個變量則添加 第三位為1: 未來支持 return: 0:OK -127:異常 */ /* 0x45: 分頁保存 HRESULT SetPageAs([in] BSTR strLocalFile, [in] long lPageNum, [in] long lType,[out,retval] long* pbool); strLocalFile:本地路徑 lPageNum:頁數 */ 該文章在 2013/8/27 18:32:35 編輯過 |
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