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400 錯誤報告 Q:421 Server too busy Q:421-Microsoft ESMTP MAIL Service, Version: 5.0.2195.5600 ready at Service not available, closing transmission channel Q:421 4.3.1 ILLEGAL FROM <xxx@xxx.com> Sorry. Your IP has problems. This Connection will be closed. Please mail to mailsysop@hanmir.com (by using another e-mail server). Thank you. Q:421 4.3.2 Your IP(xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx) is filtered and this connection will be closed. You must register your IP to spammaster@hanafos.com By SpaceLee, the Lord of mail server Q:421 4.3.2 Your IP(xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx) is filtered and this connection will be closed. You must register your IP to http://realip.naver.com. Q:441 4.4.1 No answer from host Q:441 4.4.1 temporay dns failed <Hanmail.net> Q:450 <xxx@xxx.xxx> : Recipient address rejected: Greylisted for 300 seconds (see http://isg.ee.ethz.ch/tools/postgrey/help) Q:451 4.4.0 DNS resolving error Q:451 4.3.0 Other or undefined mail system status Q: 451 4.3.0 Temporary system failure. Please try again later Q:451 4.4.2 Bad connection (io timeout) Q:451 Relay Server Not Ready Q:452 sorry, your recipient address is not in my local list Q: 452 4.4.5 Requested mail action aborted: exceeded storage allocation Q:452 4.4.5 Disk write / Insufficient disk space error occurred Q: 452 4.4.5 Insufficient disk space; try again later Q:452 4.4.5 MailBox or MessageQuota exceed for <E-mail Address> ============================================ 500 錯誤報告 Q:5XX you must be spam Q:5XX Your envelope sender is enlisted as spammer Q:500 Syntax error, command unrecognized Q: 500 File Sending Error Q:501 Denied domain name Q:501 Bad sender address expression Q: 501 Argument missing Q:501 5.1.8 Sender domain must exist <xxx.com> Q:503 Bad sequence of commands Q:504 You are registered as spammer Q:504 We do not accept mail from spammers. if you have questions,please Email Q:511 sorry, no mailbox here by that name (#5.1.1 – chkuser) Q:550 No inbox for <E-mail Address> Q:550 User unknown Q:550 Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable Q:550 5.1.1 Suspended mailbox Q:550 5.1.1 No such user <E-mail Address> Q:550 Invalid recipient Q:550 5.0.0 Access denied Q:553 sorry, that domain isn’t in my list of allowed rcpt hosts Q:550 Relay rejected for <E-Mail Address> Q:550 relaying to <E-Mail Address> prohibited by administrator Q:553 Too many recipients Q:553 sorry, your envelope sender is in my badmailfrom list. Q:553 sorry, your envelope sender is enlisted as spammer Q:550 5.0.0 Your message may contain the Klez.worm! See http://securityresponse.symantec.com/avcenter/venc/data/w32.klez.removal.tool.html Q:553 5.0.0 Your message may contain the Win32.Klez worm!!- If you have questions,please email Q:553 5.5.4 Host name (xxx.com) is not match with your ip(xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx), maybe it’s bogus. Visit http://antispam.hanmail.net Q:553 5.5.4 <xxx> … Domain name required for sender address <xxx> Q:554 5.3.4 Too big mail sent. Max allowed mail size is xxxxxxxxx bytes Q:554 5.3.0 Mail have traversed Too many hops. Reject it Q:554 delivery error: dd Sorry, your message to <E-Mail Address> cannot be delivered. This account is over quota Q:554 5.1.0 Sender Denied Q:554 5.5.0 Your message was rejected. Please refer to http://antispam.nate.com/554-550.html [Reject Option] Q:554 delivery error: dd This user doesn’t have a yahoo.com account (E-Mail Address) [-5] – mta114.mail.sc5.yahoo.com Q:550 5.7.1 <E-Mail Address>. Relaying denied. IP name lookup failed <IP Address> Q:550 5.5.0 VIRUS detected from your mail. Cure & Try again. Found by virus scan engine. Q:550 Denied by policy: Sender is listed on DNS-based RBL Q:550 Mail sender unuses allowed IP. SMTP Proxy Server close … Q:553 5.5.3 <E-Mail Address>… Invalid Q:557 you must be virus ============================================ Outlook 錯誤報告 Q:Login 到郵件服務器發生問題。指定的密碼被拒絕。賬號:‘pop.mail.yahoo.com’, 服務器: ‘pop.mail.yahoo.co.kr’, Protocol: POP3, 服務器應答: ‘-ERR Bad login’, port 110, 安全(SSL): 否, 服務器錯誤: 0×800CCC90, 錯誤編號: 0×800CCC92► Q:無法找到‘mail.enagex.com’ 的host.請確認是否正確的輸入服務器名。賬號: ‘admin’, 服務器: ‘mail.enagex.com’, Protocol: POP3, port: 110, 安全(SSL): 否, socket錯誤: 11001, 錯誤編號: 0×800CCC0D從服務器上無法連接。賬號: ‘mail.xxxx.xx.’ Q:[無法連接到服務器. 賬號: ‘mail.xxxx.xx.xx’, 服務器: ‘’, Protocol: POP3, port: 1110, 安全(SSL): 否, socket錯誤: 10061, 錯誤編號: 0x800CCC0E] [][proxy server]會在用戶登陸服務器查看郵件之前檢驗病毒. Q:服務器連接突然中斷、服務器問題、 網絡問題或連接后很長時間沒有使用的原因也會存在. Q:‘mail.enage.com’ 無法找到host. 請確認服務器名是否正確輸入。 賬號: ‘orbiter’, 服務器: ‘mail.enage.com’, protocol: SMTP, 端口: 25, 安全(SSL): 否, socket錯誤: 11001, 錯誤編號: 0×800CCC0D Q:‘mail.enage.com’ 無法找到host。請確認是否正確的輸入服務器名。賬號: ‘orbiter’, 服務器: ‘mail30.enage.com’, protocol: SMTP, 端口: 25,安全(SSL): 否, socke錯誤: 11004, 錯誤編號: 0×800CCC0D (※ 如使用舊版本的V3殺毒軟件時端口的求和如上轉換為 1110。刪除 V3后從新設置郵件賬號。) Q:收件人中有一個人被服務器拒絕無法傳送信息。被拒絕的電子郵件地址是‘bulsae76@yahoo.com’ 題目 ‘test’, 賬號: ‘bulsae76’, 服務器: ‘yahoo.com’, protocol: SMTP, 服務器應答: ‘553 RCPT Q:使用安全密碼認證無法在服務器上登錄. 該文章在 2012/2/17 0:16:56 編輯過 |
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