遠(yuǎn)程獲取類(lèi)Asp xmlHttp
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這個(gè)class主要用于操作asp中的xmlhttp。 首先是類(lèi)定義 Cls_AspHttp.asp: <% ''================================================================= ''飛揚(yáng)遠(yuǎn)程獲取類(lèi)(AspHttp) 1.0.1 Bate1 '' By 奔騰的心 '' 2006-04-19 ''================================================================= Class FlyCms_AspHttp Public oForm,oXml,Ados Public strHeaders Public sMethod Public sUrl Public sReferer Public sSetCookie Public sLanguage Public sCONTENT Public sAgent Public sEncoding Public sAccept Public sData Public sCodeBase Private slresolveTimeout,slconnectTimeout,slsendTimeout,slreceiveTimeout '' ============================================ '' 類(lèi)模塊初始化 '' ============================================ Private Sub Class_Initialize() oForm = "" Set oXml = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") set Ados = Server.CreateObject("Adodb.Stream") slresolveTimeout = 20000 '' 解析DNS名字的超時(shí)時(shí)間,20秒 slconnectTimeout = 20000 '' 建立Winsock連接的超時(shí)時(shí)間,20秒 slsendTimeout = 30000 '' 發(fā)送數(shù)據(jù)的超時(shí)時(shí)間,30秒 slreceiveTimeout = 30000 '' 接收response的超時(shí)時(shí)間,30秒 End Sub '' ============================================ '' 返回版本信息 '' ============================================ Public Property Get Version Version = "飛揚(yáng)asphttp類(lèi)1.0.0" End Property '' ============================================ '' 解析DNS名字的超時(shí)時(shí)間 '' ============================================ Public Property Let lresolveTimeout(LngSize) If IsNumeric(LngSize) Then slresolveTimeout = Clng(LngSize) End If End Property '' ============================================ '' 建立Winsock連接的超時(shí)時(shí)間 '' ============================================ Public Property Let lconnectTimeout(LngSize) If IsNumeric(LngSize) Then slconnectTimeout = Clng(LngSize) End If End Property '' ============================================ '' 發(fā)送數(shù)據(jù)的超時(shí)時(shí)間 '' ============================================ Public Property Let lsendTimeout(LngSize) If IsNumeric(LngSize) Then slsendTimeout = Clng(LngSize) End If End Property '' ============================================ '' 接收response的超時(shí)時(shí)間 '' ============================================ Public Property Let lreceiveTimeout(LngSize) If IsNumeric(LngSize) Then slreceiveTimeout = Clng(LngSize) End If End Property '' ============================================ '' Method '' ============================================ Public Property Let Method(strMethod) sMethod = strMethod End Property '' ============================================ '' 發(fā)送url '' ============================================ Public Property Let Url(strUrl) sUrl = strUrl End Property '' ============================================ '' Data '' ============================================ Public Property Let Data(strData) sData = strData End Property '' ============================================ '' Referer '' ============================================ Public Property Let Referer(strReferer) sReferer = strReferer End Property '' ============================================ '' SetCookie '' ============================================ Public Property Let SetCookie(strCookie) sSetCookie = strCookie End Property '' ============================================ '' Language '' ============================================ Public Property Let Language(strLanguage) sLanguage = strLanguage End Property '' ============================================ '' CONTENT-Type '' ============================================ Public Property Let CONTENT(strCONTENT) sCONTENT = strCONTENT End Property '' ============================================ '' User-Agent '' ============================================ Public Property Let Agent(strAgent) sAgent = strAgent End Property '' ============================================ '' Accept-Encoding '' ============================================ Public Property Let Encoding(strEncoding) sEncoding = strEncoding End Property '' ============================================ '' Accept '' ============================================ Public Property Let Accept(strAccept) sAccept = strAccept End Property '' ============================================ '' CodeBase '' ============================================ Public Property Let CodeBase(strCodeBase) sCodeBase = strCodeBase End Property '' ============================================ '' 建立數(shù)據(jù)傳送對(duì)向! '' ============================================ Public Function AddItem(Key, Value) On Error Resume Next Dim TempStr If oForm = "" Then oForm = Key + "=" + Server.URLEncode(Value) Else oForm = oForm + "&" + Key + "=" + Server.URLEncode(Value) End If End Function '' ============================================ '' 發(fā)送數(shù)據(jù)并取回遠(yuǎn)程數(shù)據(jù) '' ============================================ Public Function HttpGet() Dim sReturn With oXml .setTimeouts slresolveTimeout,slconnectTimeout,slsendTimeout,slreceiveTimeout .Open sMethod,sUrl,False If sSetCookie<>"" Then .setRequestHeader "Cookie", sSetCookie ''設(shè)定Cookie End If If sReferer<>"" Then .setRequestHeader "Referer", sReferer ''設(shè)定頁(yè)面來(lái)源 Else .setRequestHeader "Referer", sUrl End If If sLanguage<>"" Then .setRequestHeader "Accept-Language", sLanguage ''設(shè)定語(yǔ)言 End If .setRequestHeader "Content-Length",Len(sData) ''設(shè)定數(shù)據(jù)長(zhǎng)度 If sCONTENT<>"" Then .setRequestHeader "CONTENT-Type",sCONTENT ''設(shè)定接受數(shù)據(jù)類(lèi)型 End If If sAgent<>"" Then .setRequestHeader "User-Agent", sAgent ''設(shè)定瀏覽器 End If If sEncoding<>"" Then .setRequestHeader "Accept-Encoding", sEncoding ''設(shè)定gzip壓縮 End If If sAccept<>"" Then .setRequestHeader "Accept", sAccept ''文檔類(lèi)型 End If .Send sData ''發(fā)送數(shù)據(jù) While .readyState <> 4 .waitForResponse 1000 Wend strHeaders = .getAllResponseHeaders() If sCodeBase<>"" Then sReturn = bytes2BSTR(.responseBody) Else sReturn = .responseBody End If End With HttpGet = sReturn End Function '' ============================================ '' 處理二進(jìn)制數(shù)據(jù) '' ============================================ Private Function bytes2BSTR(vIn) strReturn = "" For i = 1 To LenB(vIn) ThisCharCode = AscB(MidB(vIn,i,1)) If ThisCharCode < &H80 Then strReturn = strReturn & Chr(ThisCharCode) Else NextCharCode = AscB(MidB(vIn,i+1,1)) strReturn = strReturn & Chr(CLng(ThisCharCode) * &H100 + CInt(NextCharCode)) i = i + 1 End If Next bytes2BSTR = strReturn End Function '' ============================================ '' 類(lèi)模塊注銷(xiāo) '' ============================================ Private Sub Class_Terminate oForm = "" Set oXml = Nothing Set Ados = Nothing End Sub End Class %> function.asp 調(diào)用的代碼: (簡(jiǎn)化了代碼的書(shū)寫(xiě)) <% ''調(diào)試代碼 Sub Re1(Str) Response.Write Str Response.End End Sub Sub Rw(Str) Response.Write Str & vbCrLf Response.Flush End Sub Function HttpGet(lresolveTimeout,lconnectTimeout,lsendTimeout,lreceiveTimeout,Method,Url,Referer,Data,SetCookie,Language,CONTENT,Agent,Encoding,Accept,CodeBase) DoGet.lresolveTimeout = lresolveTimeout DoGet.lconnectTimeout = lconnectTimeout DoGet.lsendTimeout = lsendTimeout DoGet.lreceiveTimeout = lreceiveTimeout DoGet.Method = Method DoGet.Url = Url DoGet.Referer = Referer DoGet.Data = Data DoGet.SetCookie = SetCookie DoGet.Language = Language DoGet.CONTENT = CONTENT DoGet.Agent = Agent DoGet.Encoding = Encoding DoGet.Accept = Accept DoGet.CodeBase = CodeBase HttpGet = DoGet.HttpGet() End Function '' ============================================ '' 取得cookie頭 '' ============================================ Function GetCookie(ByVal strHead, ByVal sBound) If strHead = "" Then GetCookie = "" Exit Function End If Dim strCookie, iCookie, bNum strCookie = strHead If strCookie <> "" And InStr(strCookie, "Set-Cookie") > 0 Then strCookie = Replace(strCookie, "Set-Cookie: ", "〔") strCookie = Replace(strCookie, ";", "〕") Patrn = "〔[^〕]+〕" strCookie = RegExpSearch(Patrn, strCookie, 0, "`") strCookie = Replace(strCookie, "〔", "") strCookie = Replace(strCookie, "〕", "") strCookie = Split(strCookie, "`") bNum = sBound If bNum=-1 Then For I=0 To UBound(strCookie) If iCookie = "" Then iCookie = strCookie(i) Else iCookie = iCookie & "; " & strCookie(i) End If Next Else If bNum > UBound(strCookie) Then bNum = UBound(strCookie) End If iCookie = strCookie(bNum) End If End If GetCookie = iCookie End Function '' ============================================ '' 按照指定的正則表達(dá)式返回字符 '' ============================================ Function RegExpSearch(Patrn, Str, sType, Spacer) Dim RegEx, Match, Matches, RetStr, i i = 0 Set RegEx = New RegExp RegEx.Pattern = Patrn RegEx.IgnoreCase = True RegEx.Global = True Set Matches = RegEx.Execute(Str) For Each Match In Matches i = i + 1 If sType = 0 Then RetStr = RetStr & Match.Value If i < Matches.Count Then RetStr = RetStr & Spacer Else RetStr = RetStr & Match.Value If i < Matches.Count Then RetStr = RetStr & Spacer If sType = i Then Exit For End If Next RegExpSearch = RetStr End Function ''***************************************************************** '' function(私有) '' 作用 :利用流保存文件 ''***************************************************************** Function SaveFiles(ByVal GetUrl, ByVal ToFile, ByVal sCookie, ByVal Agent, ByVal SaveShow) Dim Datas, dSize GetUrl = Replace(GetUrl, "\", "/") Datas = HttpGet(10000, 10000, 20000, 20000, "GET", GetUrl, "", "", sCookie, "zh-cn", "", Agent, "", "*/*", "") iSize = LenB(Datas) dSize = FormatNumber(iSize / 1024, 3) If iSize > 1 Then Set Ados = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream") Ados.Type = 1 Ados.Mode = 3 Ados.Open Ados.Write Datas Ados.SaveToFile Server.MapPath(ToFile), 2 Ados.Close Set Ados = Nothing SaveFiles = True If SaveShow = 1 Then Response.Write "保存成功:<font color=red>" & dSize & "</font>Kb" End If Else SaveFiles = False If SaveShow = 1 Then Response.Write "保存失敗:<font color=red>文件大小" & iSize & "K,小于1K</font>" End If End If End Function '' ============================================ '' 檢測(cè)文件夾是否存在 如果不存在就自動(dòng)創(chuàng)建多級(jí)文件夾 '' ============================================ Function CreatePath(strPath) Dim fldr, FristStr strPath = Replace(strPath, "\", "/") strPath = Replace(strPath, Chr(0), "") strPath = Replace(strPath, "http://", "/") If Left(strPath, 1) = "/" Then FristStr = "/" strPath = Right(strPath, Len(strPath) - 1) Else FristStr = "" strPath = strPath End If If Right(strPath, 1) = "/" Then strPath = Left(strPath, Len(strPath) - 1) Else strPath = strPath End If GetNewsFold = Split(strPath, "/") fldr = "" Set FSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") For i = 0 To UBound(GetNewsFold) If fldr = "" Then fldr = FristStr & GetNewsFold(i) Else fldr = fldr & "\" & GetNewsFold(i) End If If FSO.FolderExists(Server.MapPath(fldr)) = False Then Call FSO.CreateFolder(Server.MapPath(fldr)) End If Next Set FSO = Nothing If Err.Number = 0 Then Err.Clear CreatePath = Replace(fldr, "\", "/") & "/" Else CreatePath = "" End If End Function '' ============================================ '' function(公有) '' 作用 :保存文件,并自動(dòng)創(chuàng)建多級(jí)文件夾 '' ============================================ Function SaveData(FromUrl, ToFiles, sCookie, sAgent, SaveType, SaveShow) Dim strFile, NewPath strFile = Replace(ToFiles, "\", "/") strFile = Replace(strFile, Chr(0), "") strFile = Replace(strFile, "http://", "/") NewPath = Mid(strFile, 1, InStrRev(strFile, "/")) Set FSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") If FSO.FileExists(Server.MapPath(strFile)) = False Then If FSO.FolderExists(Server.MapPath(NewPath)) = False Then Call CreatePath(NewPath) End If SaveData = SaveFiles(FromUrl, strFile, sCookie, sAgent ,SaveShow) Else '' 覆蓋文件 If SaveType = 1 Then SaveData = SaveFiles(FromUrl, strFile, sCookie, sAgent ,SaveShow) Else SaveData = True End If End If Set FSO = Nothing End Function %> 下面是一個(gè)使用的例子: <!-- #include file = "Cls_AspHttp.asp" --> <!-- #include file = "Function.asp" --> <% Dim DoGet Dim sCookie Dim sUserAgent Set DoGet = New FlyCms_AspHttp Rw "下載91f的文件<br>" Down91f Rw "<br>下載haoting的文件<br>" DownHaoting Set DoGet = Nothing Sub Down91f() ''91f 欺騙身份 sCookie = "" sUserAgent = "NSPlayer/ WMFSDK/9.0 " ''這句模擬Media Player身份 FromUrl = "" ToFiles 該文章在 2013/11/28 11:39:44 編輯過(guò) |
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